discover sports medicine
Are you restricted by a physical limitation brought on by overuse? Are these nagging injuries keeping you from doing the things you love to do? Our sports medicine program specifically addresses pain and soreness in muscles by applying the techniques of active release, deep tissue massage and assisted stretching.
today is the day to get started!
One-on-One Training Programs

Functional Fitness for Sport
Conditioning your body to respond to the demands of your sport starts in the gym.

For Muscle Gain
The right weight lifting routine to deliver the muscle building results your’re after.

Post-Rehab Conditioning
Getting back to doing the things you love after a major injury or procedure can be a daunting task. Our expert personal trainers design and carry out post-rehab exercise programs to get you back on your game.

For Weight Loss
Every successful weight loss strategy requires a tailored exercise component that compliments your diet to get you to your goals fast.

General Fitness
Are you ready to take back your fitness? Body Technologies personal training program can design a program just for you. Where will your fitness take you?